El kéfir es esencialmente una bebida fermentada hecha de un cultivo vivo de bacterias amigables y levadura, ¡creando una bebida de gran sabor y amante del intestino! Se ha utilizado durante siglos en todo el mundo para promoverKefir is essentially a fermented drink made from a live culture of friendly bacteria and yeast, creating a great tasting, gut-loving beverage! It’s been used for centuries across the globe to promote health and wellness, so we absolutely had to bring it to Utila. Did you know that about 80% of your immune system originates in the gut? So in order for us to be vital and healthy, we have to have a strong digestive system full of good bacteria. Our delicious, naturally fermented products contains billions of live cultures to help improve vitality and support gut health. Enjoy in plain or fruit drinks sweetened with local honey, fruit bowls or frozen fruit kefir. Yummy!
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